Saturday 16 June 2007

Funky festival offer to jazz up the Midsummer blues

Midsummer is almost upon us, the night's are long and I can hear the faint echoes of a music festival in my local park. If you need to brighten up your festival slogan tee and wellie ensemble, then look no further than a Green Beach necklace.

I love blue. I love it in every shade from sea green to stormy sky and I didn't think I could ever get sick of it but in the learning curve that is stock ordering I went overboard with blue beads. Luckily the new beads are on the way from Africa but this still leaves me with the Midsummer blues. Until the end of June we are offering a generous 30% discount on all blue beaded necklaces.

If you are still yet to email for your copy of our summer catalogue, now might be a good time!

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