Friday 8 June 2007

Ready for summer (and Autumn)

Some say that when the sun's out, the style is out - I disagree. Its great to see people out in their bright tee's and flirty skirts. Dresses (which are totally underrated as a fashion staple) are everywhere and I love my Howies Blossom dress, which is keeping me cool in the hot weather. I'm still not tired of jewellery making and we have placed our second order to Africa, as the Summer range is selling well and our bead stock is depleting. Despite being in the midst of sun, Christine is encouraging me to think of Autumn but then conceeded we could do a few 'Indian Summer' pieces. This suits me because you really have to force me out of summer clothes and Birkenstocks in Autumn - I love to keep that summer feeling going as long as I can. I'm sure I'm not the only one?

I was really chuffed this week to see someone out in Mumbles in one of our hemp necklaces - the starfish, in particular, is a hit and we are considering using that as our logo. Christine sent me some information on the use of the starfish symbol in Ancient Eqypt and the powerful mythology surrounding it.

Also this week we met Jake who represents Green Dragon, he is currently helping us with our environmental policy and actions and we hope to achieve the Green Dragon Environmental Standard, Level 2. More on this soon.


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